

Sonrisas Dental Health Announces Program for its ’20 Years of Smiles’ Anniversary Celebration

SAN MATEO, Calif. – May 25, 2021 – Sonrisas Dental Health, a pioneering nonprofit community dental center, celebrates its 20th anniversary of providing dental care access to low-income, vulnerable residents on Saturday, June 5, 2021. The virtual fundraising event will be hosted on Zoom, with a goal of raising $30,000, with a program featuring comedian Dhaya Lakshminarayanan, and a special

Sonrisas Newsletter | Summer 2020

Learn how we are reopening our clinics and serving our patients in challenging times! Smile, You’re on Camera! SDH Dental Hygienist Brenda Barrientos leads a Spanish-language Virtual Oral Health Education lesson for elementary school students during Distance Learning this spring. A word from Tracey Carrillo Fecher, CEO Before COVID-19, I pondered that I had not lived through a worldwide event that

A Message from Our Dental Director

Hello, I’m Dr. Torrey Rothstein, Dental Director of Sonrisas Dental Health. We hope that you and your family are in good health.  Our community has been through a lot over the last few months, and all of us are looking forward to resuming our normal habits and routines.  While much has changed, one thing has remained the same:

Improving Access to Care

For parents, the care and safety of your children come first. Ensuring that their needs are met and they are thriving is paramount. Imagine seeking much-needed dental care for your child, yet being turned away again and again, unable to break through the barriers that keep your child from accessing care. Thanks to our community’s support, Sonrisas is breaking down

A Brighter Future for Diego

Four-year-old Diego* came to America with his father, Santiago* in early fall 2019. During a treacherous journey from Central America, they suffered severe burnsr—just one of the harrowing and painful experiences they had to endure. Diego’s oral pain began to impact his well-being. Fortunately, his school was familiar with Sonrisas Dental Health and helped put Santiago in touch with our

Sonrisas Newsletter | Spring 2020

Learn how we are using technology to keep in touch with patients and expand oral health education in our community! A word from Sonrisas Dental Health’s CEO,Tracey Carrillo Fecher I hope this newsletter finds you and your loved ones healthy. Sonrisas has been closed except for emergencies since March 16th. Our team has launched multiple virtual dental programs to continue providing

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